Sunday, March 16, 2008

Week 8 Blog 7

'Slamming the boards", it is a really good way of letting people out in cyberspace know exactly how brilliant librarians, assistants and technicians can be!!! The responses by the public to the answers that they received were REALLY positive.
Some people think that libraries are outmoded and out dated institutions I think this sort of thing ('Slamming the boards') just reinforces the fact that everything can't just be found on Google and libraries have a place in 21st century society... well at least that's what I think...hopefully I'm not spending years a TAFE to be out of a job in the next decade.

In terms of reviewing our collection, it would be interseting to see what people make of a particular collectione eg teens revewing the YF collection etc.

1 comment:

snowflake said...

I remember when I too was a TAFE student (30 years ago) and the same was said we would be replaced with new technology.. I'm glad I stuck with the course because libraries are still here and need good staff to run them and that's where we come in..
