Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Week 5 Blog 4

Reader's Advisory has an interesting wiki called Wetpaint. It's a good way of library professionals keeping in touch and working collaboratively in providing customers with useful Reader's Advisory assistance. I have also heard other staff members talk about an ILL wiki which they find very useful.

Wikipedia is really handy and I use it just to get the basics on someone / something but I would not recommend it to my customers as an authoritative source.The article about German Wikipedia being "more accurate, thorough, up-to-date and easy to read".
Was quite a surprise!

I terms of applications for public libraries. They could be used for book reviews by patrons or just in keeping patrons up to date with the latest events etc at the library.

I really like the collaborative nature of wikis.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

I like Wikipedia too, for a quick overview. I find it good for TV shows and other "fun" topics. Have you looked behind the scenes at the discussion tabs on Wikipedia - some of the collaboration can get quite "spirited"!
Sounds like you are enjoying the program.
Kathleen A